The enchanted Paris of Eug�ne V�der

I first came across the work of the etcher Eug�ne V�der in issue 17 of the art revue Byblis (Spring 1926), which published his etching La rue Saint-Denis. I thought it a lovely piece of work, and was intrigued to find out more about its creator - especially as my copy was hand-signed by the artist. I think V�der probably signed every copy of this print. Usually in Byblis there were 105 hand-signed and 500 unsigned impressions, but in this case there seem to have been 105 in colour and 500 in black-and-white, all signed. Eug�ne V�der, La rue Saint-Denis Etching, 1926 Byblis was published by the art publisher Albert Moranc�. Moranc� was evidently equally struck by V�der's work, because the Winter 1926 issue of Byblis carries a full-page advertisement for a work to appear the following June from �ditions Albert Moranc�: Paris: 50 Eaux-Fortes originales en couleurs d'Eug�ne V�der, r�unies en un portefeuille d'amateur . There were to be 100 copies on Japon imp�rial at a subscrib...