Happy Holidays

Raoul Dufy, Sailor Lithograph with pochoir colouring, 1920 PRAYER after Guillaume Apollinaire, Pri�re When I was a small child My mother dressed me in blue and white O Blessed Virgin Do you still love me I know I will love you To my dying day Even if it�s all over And I don�t believe in heaven or hell I don�t believe I don�t believe any more That seaman who was saved Because he never once forgot To say his Hail Mary Was like me was like me translation � Neil Philip 2011 Raoul Dufy, Amphitrite Etching, 1930 I wish all my readers a merry Christmas, a happy Hannukah, and a peaceful and healthy New Year. I promise I will resume regular posts when circumstances allow. In the meantime I hope you enjoy these two prints by one of my favourite artists, Raoul Dufy, paired with a poem by his friend Guillaume Apollinaire.