Jugendstil bookplates

The bookplate or ex libris has put bread and butter on many an artist�s table, and over the course of time has developed into a flourishing art form all of its own. I don�t pretend to know very much about the history and development of ex libris, but seem to have acquired some anyway. I think this little group of Austrian, Czech and German bookplates of the Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) period are particularly charming. They come from the Vienna art revue Die Graphischen K�nste , from the years 1911, 1912, and 1914. Maximilian Liebenwein (Austrian, 1869-1926) Ex libris Josef Kundrat Lithograph, 1910 Maximilian Liebenwein Ex libris Karl Stark Lithograph, 1910 Maximilian Liebenwein Ex libris der Verbindung von Wiener Kunstakademikern �Athenaia� Lithograph, 1910 Alfred Cossmann (Austrian, 1870-1951) Ex libris Arthur Graf Etching, c.1912 Alfred Cossman Ex libris Franz J. Kaiser Etching. c.1912 Alois Kolb (Austrian, 1875-1942) Ex libris Gertrud Kolb Etching, c.1914 Rudolf Junk (Austrian, 188...