
Showing posts with the label Felix Hollenberg

The landscape of German art in 1898

I've recently acquired a run of the Leipzig art revue Zeitschrift f�r Bildende Kunst from its founding in 1866 through to 1901. Especially in the 1890s, when the emphasis switches from interpretative etchings to original works, it provides a good overview of the German art of the day. There isn't the revolutionary zeal of a journal such as Pan, but that gives the more cutting edge art a more clearly defined context - we can see both where it came from and where it's headed. The four landscapes in this post were all published in Zeitschrift f�r Bildende Kunst, Neue Folge IX, 1898. They treat similar motifs in the same medium, but vary dramatically in feel. They work steadily through from a fairly conventional realism, to Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and finally to Expressionism. I admire all four prints, but particularly like Else Ruest's conventional but tenderly-observed landscape and Walter Leistikow's darkly brooding inscape. The two could hardly be more di...

Jugendstil bookplates

The bookplate or ex libris has put bread and butter on many an artist�s table, and over the course of time has developed into a flourishing art form all of its own. I don�t pretend to know very much about the history and development of ex libris, but seem to have acquired some anyway. I think this little group of Austrian, Czech and German bookplates of the Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) period are particularly charming. They come from the Vienna art revue Die Graphischen K�nste , from the years 1911, 1912, and 1914. Maximilian Liebenwein (Austrian, 1869-1926) Ex libris Josef Kundrat Lithograph, 1910 Maximilian Liebenwein Ex libris Karl Stark Lithograph, 1910 Maximilian Liebenwein Ex libris der Verbindung von Wiener Kunstakademikern �Athenaia� Lithograph, 1910 Alfred Cossmann (Austrian, 1870-1951) Ex libris Arthur Graf Etching, c.1912 Alfred Cossman Ex libris Franz J. Kaiser Etching. c.1912 Alois Kolb (Austrian, 1875-1942) Ex libris Gertrud Kolb Etching, c.1914 Rudolf Junk (Austrian, 188...