The Pre-Impressionists: Charles Jacque and L�on Jacque

Hello everyone. I'm not intending to revive this blog, as I simply don't have the time, but I have found a few posts that are so nearly complete that it seems a shame not to post them. So here's an addition to the posts I made about Barbizon artists quite a while back. The Jacque brothers, Charles �mile and L�on, are minor figures in the Barbizon School compared to Corot, Millet, Rousseau, and Daubigny, but their art has an honesty and charm that still keeps it alive today. Charles �mile Jacque was born in Paris in 1813, and died there in 1894. The younger brother L�on Jacque was born in 1828, and surprisingly his date of death appears to be unknown. I haven't come across any work by L�on Jacque after 1872, so I would hazard a guess at a death in the early 1870s. The whole Jacque family seem to have been artistically gifted; there are also Charles Jacque's sons �mile, Fr�d�ric, and Maurice, and a Marcel Jacque who seems to be some kind of relation. L�opold Massard, ...